This paper aims to find out the causes why Pinaceae(pine family) pollen was increased rapidly from the 7th century in Korea. First of all, it was appropriate to raise Pinaceae in Korean peninsula which has lots of granite areas. Secondly, in the mid-7th century, Silla annexed two kingdoms-Baekje(18 BCE-660 CE)and southern part of Goguryeo(37 BCE-668 CE). Since unification war against Tang China, Silla developed many areas for farmland and constructed Buddhist temples in southern part of the Korean peninsula. It destroyed forests. The pine was suitable tree to plant in devastated land. As the Buddhist temples used to be called as song-moon(松門, pine gate), they planted Pinaceae in temples. Therefore the Pinaceae could widen their territories. Thirdly, Silla forced to plant nut pine(Pinus koraiensis S. et Z.) in new territories and every three years they recorded the numbers of the trees for collecting pine nuts. The pine nuts were well known as macrobiotic food in East Asia, so they were exported to Tang China. Silla s pine nuts were famous as haisongzi (海松子, marine pine nut) in Tang and it was recorded as a medicinal material for wind disease (風病, stroke) and infirm in Chinese Bencao (本草). Pinus koraiensis S. et Z. belong to Pinaceae. These are the main causes to increase Pinaceae pollen from the 7th century in South Korea.
1. 신라의 소나무
2. 소나무의 인공 식재
3. 신라촌락문서의 잣나무와 신라산 해송자