최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

일본의 환경사 연구동향 및 특징

A Study on the Trends and Characteristics of Environmental History in Japan

  • 12

This paper aims to look into when environmental history has begun and how it made progress in Japan. That helps to understand research trends for environmental history in other east asian countries. It is 1982 when a word called environmental history was first introduced in Japan by Shigeru Nakayama, japanese scientific historian. The terminology was not clearly defined when it was first introduced in Japan at that time. However, there was an agreement among scholars that it did need a long-term and historical perspective to understand the term properly. Since then, research for environmental history was launched among several academic fields, such as ethnology, anthropology, history, and natural science. And the research fields have expanded since 2000. Researches for environmental history in the field of history were cumulated from late 1990s and were published as a book in 2000s. Researches were produced in the field of history of natural disasters, climate change, development, and history of mentalities focusing on the medieval and pre-modern period in Japan. However it is pointed out that its terms and methodology was not fully settled. There is also a feature that similar terms appeared. From the perspective of present research trend, not only individual historians’ research but also interdisciplinary fusion research are on progress to embrace diverse studies and expand research areas. The current published research can also identify these trends well.


1. 환경사의 정의

2. 역사학 영역에서 환경사 연구

3. 현재 진행되는 환경사 연구방법론

