Before Hokkaido was developed, the entire area of Hokkaido was covered with dense forests. However, there was no consciousness of protecting the forests at that time. And there was no necessity as well. In the end, the forest became desolate and the forest lumber became scarce. Managing stock-farming was getting worse and the land was being desolate. Developing Hokkaido is still ongoing. We should investigate the interrelation between the estimated consumption of timber and the forested area and find out how much the forest area is needed. It is also necessary to clarify the situation about the supply and demand of timber in Hokkaido. It will be enable us to look for future developments.
1. 1880년대 삿포로현 삼림상황과 목재수요
2. 1890년대 홋카이도청 실무담당자의 문제인식