최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

중국 환경사 연구 현황에 대한 계량적·가시화 분석 연구

The Statistical Analysis of Environmental history in China

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In this paper, I analyze the environmental history papers published in the CNKI (China national knowledge infrastructure) and analyze the authors, their journal articles, affiliated organizations, keywords, etc. for the 2484 papers published from 1983 to 2017 through the statistical and visual analysis. And it outlines the trends in China s environmental history researches for about 40 years, and aims to illuminate famous scholars, popular journals and key research institutes in the field of Chinese environmental history research. The final conclusion of this study is as follows: 1) Since 2010, the environmental history research paper of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has increased significantly. 2) Professor Mei Shahechin of Tsinghua University is the most scholar who has the most relevant papers, but Baomao Hong is the most influential scholar of papers and has the highest number of citations. 3) The most influential research institutes in the field of environmental history research are Beijing Normal University, Nankai University and Yunnan University, and research personnel are mainly concentrated in the history of science. 4) According to the results of the analysis on the keywords, Chinese environmental history studies in the Chinese academic world have been ranked as the third place after the US environmental history and British environmental history. Among them, it is concentrated in the Ming and Qing Dynasties by the times, and it can be seen that Yunnan was the most studied area by region. 5) The journals that published the most relevant papers are confirmed to be Historical Monthly.

1. 중국 환경사 관련 논문의 공간 상황

2. 주요 연구 학자

3. 주요 연구기관: 대학을 중심으로

4. 환경사 연구 분야의 인기 키워드

5. 환경사에 관한 주요 학술지 소개

