Ancient China and Korea had planted trees what the power needed. In China, the Northern Wei (北魏, 386∼534) provided new cultivated land to people and forced then plant the particular trees. They were mostly mulberry, jujube tree, and elm etc.. If mulberry was not appropriate in the soil, the paper mulberry was replaced for taxation. In Unified Silla the power let the new territory s people plant 4 kinds of trees, as mulberry, pine nut, paper mulberry and wild walnut tree. They were recorded in village documents and renewed the numbers of the trees for counting how many trees the officers had planted. It seemed like to be related to evaluated the officers whom the power dispatched to local village. In this paper, I explored the reforestation policy and its law in Ancient East Asia.
1. 중국의 산림법령과 인공 식재
2. 촌락문서로 본 신라의 인공 식재