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KCI등재 학술저널

도시재생뉴딜사업의 성패(成敗)는 어떻게 판단해야 하는가?

How should we Judge the Succes or Failure on Urban Regeneration New Deal Project?: Focused on Effect Analysis Methodology

DOI : 10.21447/jup.2020.11.3.145
  • 224

The Urban Renewal New Deal Project is a core project of the government. The project is being promoted with enormous public costs. However, if the cost-effectiveness is small or there is a negative effect, the project has actually failed. On the other hand, if the positive effect from the project is large, a strategy that can be transformed and expanded to other regions is needed by closely analyzing the success factors of the project. Unfortunately, however, there are still few studies analyzing its effects. This study proposes to utilize the SP(Stated Preference) methodologies, CVM and CM. And it presents the advantages and disadvantages of the two methodologies and how to use them. The method of estimating the value of non-market goods presented in this study is considered to be appropriate for unit projects below the central city type. It is hoped that the guidelines presented in this study will be useful for analyzing the effects of the Urban Renewal New Deal Project.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 이론적 고찰

Ⅲ. 도시재생뉴딜 평가지표 및 분석방법론의 검토

Ⅳ. 적용방안

Ⅴ. 결론

