Change in composition of gut microbiota by exposure of natural medicines including Glycyrrhizae Radix in mice
Change in composition of gut microbiota by exposure of natural medicines including Glycyrrhizae Radix in mice
- 한국자원식물학회
- 한국자원식물학회 학술심포지엄
- 2018년도 추계학술대회
- 2018.10
- 126 - 126 (1 pages)
Probiotics are microorganisms that have beneficial effects on the health of the host. The health promoting effect by probiotics influences suppressing harmful bacteria, prevention of constipation, blood cholesterol reduction and regulation of blood pressure. Prebiotics are used to promote the growth or activity of microorganisms. Synbiotics, which are a mixture of probiotics and prebiotics, synergize in the intestines by complementing each other. Synbiotics not only improves the viability of the probiotics while passing through the gastrointestinal tract, maintain intestinal homeostasis, but also regulate balance of harmful and useful bacterial growth. Glycine max Merr (GMM) has been widely used in Asian countries to treat cancer, obesity, oxidative stress and imbalanced immune diseases. In addition, it has been reported that dietary fiber-rich grains promote bowel movements and prevent constipation. In this study, we investigated the viability of LactobacillIus buchneri (L.buchneri) strains, known as lactic acid bacteria under conditions of gastric fluid and intestinal fluid to determine the suitability of L.buchneri as probiotics. The adhesion ability of L.buchneri to caco-2 cells was also confirmed. The present studies showed that GMM extract promoted the growth and activity of L.buchneri strains as prebiotics. Also, this results suggested that the mixture of L.buchneri and GMM extract can helps maintain intestinal health and healthy body as synbiotics and health functional food material.