최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

A Preliminary Study on the Characteristics of Migrants’ Spatial Distribution and Localities of Ethnic Enclaves

DOI : 10.15519/dcc.2021.
  • 52

his study seeks to examine the spatial distribution of migrants in Korea from the perspective of segregation. Through this, the purpose of this study is to provide basic data to examine the process of forming a new community and the daily lives of migrants due to the influx of migrant groups. To this end, this study first looks at the changes in the migrant distribution patterns based on statistics of foreign migrants in 2010 and 2018. In addition, this study examines the characteristics of the distribution of migrants by micro scales with high Index of Dissimilarity, which show significant changes compared to 2010. The results of this study are as follows. First, compared to 2010, the ethnic enclaves of migrants were expanded from Seoul to Gyeonggi-do, Chungcheongdo, Gwangju metropolitan city, and Daegu metropolitan city, and their nationalities were diversified. Second, even if the proportion and degree of segregation of migrants are all high, the nationalities and visa types of migrants vary depending on the economy, population, and social characteristics of each region. Since the migrants’ ethnic enclaves vary by nationality and visa type, it is necessary to consider these differences in the establishment of migrant policies.

1. 서론

2. 선행연구 검토 및 연구방법

3. 국내 외국인 이주자 집거지의 변화

4. 주요 이주자 집거지별 특성

5. 결론

