최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

The Correlation of a Global Korean Commonwealth with the Confederation vs Reunification of Korea

DOI : 10.15519/dcc.2021.
  • 43

The year 2020 marked the 30 th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia (Soviet Union) and the Republic of Korea. Despite plenty of differences in ideology and policy, Moscow and Seoul are trying to realize a similar project on the formation of global communities of compatriots known as “Russkiy Mir” 1 and “Global Korean Commonwealth.” However, Russia is preoccupied with preserving the unity of the federation and numerous inhabiting ethnoses. Korea, in its turn, attempts to create a confederation of the two Korean states with the following reunification of the country. This paper studies the notion of the “Global Korean Commonwealth” meaning the union of North and South Koreans plus all Koreans living abroad and compares it with such quasi-terms as “Korean super ethnos” and “Korean meta-nation” invented by Russian-speaking philosophers. As the formation of the Global Korean Commonwealth is based on a hypothetical unified Korea, the paper is considering concepts of the reunification and the role of Korean Diasporas in inter-Korean relations.

1. Introduction

2. From Confederation of mono-ethnic States to national Unification

3. The imaginary summand of the Global Korean Commonwealth

4. The variety of notions for the mono-ethnic commonwealths

5. Conclusion

