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KCI등재 학술저널

The Role of CSR Activities in B2B Relationships in the Formation of Quality and Control Mechanisms of Relationships: Focusing on the Mediating Role of Gratitude

DOI : 10.36345/kacst.2021.39.1.119
  • 27

Does the CSR activity of a company cause relationship performance? Answers to this have been suggested in many studies. However, different researchers present different mediate variables for what psychological mechanisms CSR activities have in influencing corporate performance. As a result, various variables are presented as psychological mechanisms that CSR activities affect relationship performance. In this work, we explore the various mediate variables presented previously and want to incorporate these variables into two main perspectives. Specifically, the first reason why CSR activities have a positive impact on relationship performance in trading relationships is that control mechanisms work to reduce conflict and opportunism among trading partners. The second reason is that the quality of the relationship with the counterparty is formed in the transaction relationship. In other words, CSR activities cause the other party to be immersed in the relationship between trust and the relationship. Therefore, in this work, we present two integrated variables: control mechanisms and quality of relationships in the relationship between CSR activity and relational performance. We also want to present a variable called gratitude as a priori varable that affects control mechanisms and quality of relationships in trading relationships. As a result, these researchers anticipated that CSR activities would perceive gratitude, and that perception of such gratitude would play an important role in reducing conflict and opportunism. And these researchers anticipated that CSR activities would make appreciation aware, and that perception of this appreciation would play an important role in improving the quality of relationships. Although the research model presented in this study has not been empirically verified, existing findings suggest the role of CSR activity as a control mechanism in trading relationships and the role of CSR activity in improving relationship quality. Therefore, the proposal for a path relationship presented in this research model is likely to be sufficiently persuasive.

I. Introduction

II. Literature Review and Research Model Proposition

III. Conclusion

