최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Оценивание речевого поведения блогеров читателями в русскоязычном сегменте сети Интернет (прагмалингвистический аспект)

Evaluation of Bloggers’ Speech Behavior by Readers in the Russian-speaking Segment of the Internet (Pragmalinguistic Aspect)

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This article presents the results of pragma linguistic experiments aimed at studying the way readers in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet perceive the speech behavior of bloggers. The article strives to study the evaluating two-way-communication between bloggers and readers based on the comments made by followers. The following issues have been taken into consideration in order to achieve this goal: the article dwells on the main terms and definitions used, it describes the developed strategy, and it describes and summarizes the results of conducted experiments. The conclusions indicate the way readers in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet perceive the speech behavior of bloggers Interest in Internet communication and the concept of a “virtual speech personality” as of something special and holistic turns out to be a noticeable simplification. Such a change of ideas about Internet communication is associated not only with the fact that researchers began to look at it from a different angle, but also with the fact that more and more people including the Russian-speaking community are using the Internet. Therefore, researchers suggest, the users cease to be some special “virtual personalities” with a “special language”. The authors of the article consider the Speakers from a pragmatic standpoint as representatives of social behavior in a social group united by one goal and one communicative means that is real speech in blogs. This study finds that representatives of bloggers as a social group have certain characteristics, which distinguish this group from the rest of society. These characteristics are detailed in this article.

I. Введение

II. Основная часть

III. Выводы

