최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

알타이 부르하니즘의 샤머니즘적 요소에 대한 연구

Shamanistic Elements in Altay Burkhanism

DOI : 10.24958/rh.2021.22.117
  • 33

In April 1904, in the southwestern part of Altai, the so-called “Burkhanism” arose and rapidly spread among the Altai. And in June of the same year, representatives of the local police and the Altai spiritual mission and Russian settlers organized a detachment and attacked the Burkhanists, who were conducting collective prayers in the Tereng Valley, and arrested the leaders of Burkhanism, including the founder, Chet Chelpanov. On this occasion, intellectuals not only in the large cities of Siberia, but also in the capital city St. Petersburg, began to pay attention to Burkhanism and conducted research on the foundations of the emergence of Burkhanism. As a result of the research, different opinions have been put forward. It was generally thought that Burkhanism was based on shamanism or Lamaism, which penetrated into Altai from Mongolia. There were also opinions that Burkhanism was based on Christianity or Tengrianism, the traditional belief of the ancient Turks. We think that Burkhanism includes all the relics of beliefs that the Altai people experienced in their folk history, and also has the character of a popular movement to overcome the political, economic, social difficulties that the Altai people faced at the beginning of the 20th century. In this regard, we think that in order to clarify the foundations of the emergence and essence of Burkhanism, it is necessary to conduct complex research on different aspects of Burkhanism. In this regard, we first of all examined the links between shamanism and Burkhanism in terms of important gods and ritual objects and movements. Burkhanism rejected the worship of Erlik and evil spirits, and accepted the worship of good gods, including Ulgen. In addition, they made Uch-Kurbustan the supreme god and deified Oirot Khan and other historical and mythical personalities as the messiah of the Altai people. From the point of view of rituals, Burkhanism destroyed the shaman costume, drum and various idols, and preserved the sprinkling of milk, juniper, birch, Jayk etc., which played an important role in shamanism.

I. 서 론

II. 알타이 샤머니즘과 부르하니즘의 주요 신격, 의례 사물과 행위

III. 결 론

참 고 문 헌
