최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

러시아와 한국의 국립극장 제도 비교

Comparison of Russia and Korea’s National Theater System: Suggestions for National Theater Company of Korea

DOI : 10.24958/rh.2021.22.91
  • 79

This paper aims to find out the direction of reform that the National Theater Company of Korea (NTCK), which celebrated their 70th anniversary (2020), should take through a comparison of the national theater system in Russia and Korea. Currently, the NTCK has lots of problems such as low budget efficiency, low influence, low audience, low theater utilization, old buildings. In order to solve this massive problems, this paper examines the Russian national theater system and analyzes the case of the Vakhtangov Theatre, which successfully completed the reform. Russia, which has the largest number of the national theaters in the world, teaches that national support is essential for the development of theater art, and the Vakhtangov Theatre, which quickly became Russia’s top theater, shows that the repertory system and the constant challenge spirit are the path to success. The NTCK is the only hope of the Korean theater industry in trouble. The NTCK has a vocation of the times to lead a major reform of the state support system for art. The NTCK should be a success case and indicator to prove the justification of budget increase and support system reform. Through this, the NTCK must prove that art is not a target of support, but a long-term investment for the future.

I. 국립극단 70주년의 음영

II. 러시아의 국립극장 제도

III. 국립극단의 개혁 방향

IV. 복수의 국립극단을 위해

참 고 문 헌
