최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

동청철도 분쟁을 둘러싼 러・중 관계의 역사적 조명

Historical Review of Russia-China Relations Surrounding the Dispute on the Chinese Eastern Railway

  • 18

In this paper, the conflict between Russia and China through the construction of Chinese Eastern Railway (東淸鐵道, Китайско-Восточная железная дорога (КВЖД)) and the process of its closure are examined. The Chinese Eastern Railway, led by Sergey Vite, refer to the Far East transit line of the Trans-Siberian train from Chita, Russia, through Manchuria, to Vladivostok. Domestic studies related to Russian railways are mainly focused on the background and function of the Trans-Siberian Railway. It is true that the research on the Chinese Eastern Railway, which was built at the same time and runs through China, briefly discussed the background of its construction and the ownership dispute, but did not pay much attention to the Conflict of Chinese Eastern Railway between Russia (Soviet Union) and China itself (Советско-китайский конфликт на КВЖД or Конфлик на КВЖД, 中东路事件). It can be said that the entire process of planning and completion of the Trans-Siberian Railway, especially the Chinese Eastern Railway, which was built along the border between China and Russia, clearly shows such a conflict. The historical events related to this railway cannot be limited to just a matter between the two countries in the 19th century, when the order in East Asia changed rapidly. Chinese Eastern Railway, a route to the Far East of the Trans-Siberian Railway, built in the late 19th century and early 20th century, is a living witness of the difficult modern and contemporary history of China, and can be said to be a symbolic entity showing the Russian government’s strategy in the Far East of that period. The dispute between Russia and the Qing Dynasty over the interests of Chinese Eastern Railway in 1929 can be said to prove the value and importance of the railway. The construction of the Chinese Eastern Railway and the process of returning to other countries shows a great trend in the modern and contemporary history of Northeast Asia, and studying the process helps us understand the current China-Russia relationship.

I. 들어가며

II. 동청철도 탄생과 러・중 간 분쟁의 과정

III. 나오며

참 고 문 헌
