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KCI등재 학술저널

카잔 러시아 정교 선교회의 ‘기초 러시아어 교과서’ 출판에 대한 계보학적 연구

A Genealogical Study on the Publication of Basic Russian Textbooks by the Russian Orthodox Missionary in Kazan: Until the 1901 Publication of Basic Russian Textbook for Goryeoin

DOI : 10.24958/rh.2021.22.27
  • 56

This study examines the transition process of the basic Russian textbooks published for inorodtsy, or more commonly referred to as allogeneousin from the early publications to Basic Russian Textbook for Goryeoin: A Test Version for Conversation Classes published in 1901. The purpose of this study is to explore the background and significance of the Russian Empire, and through this, to provide a basis for a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of the study of Basic Russian Textbook for Goryeoin, Korean-Immigrants. This study was conducted in the following three stages. First, the Russian language textbooks for allogeneousin published by the Russian Orthodox Missionary in Kazan were discovered and a complete list of publications was created. Second, by analyzing the constructed empirical data from a genealogical point of view, the composition of the textbooks and the process of change of contents were examined. Third, based on the above findings, this study clarified the characteristics of Basic Russian Textbook for Goryeoin through interrelationships between textbooks. As a result, previous literatures mostly discussed the preface, contents and Goryeoin and their language through textbooks, Basic Russian Textbook for Goryeoin; however, this study examines further to consider the interrelations of textbooks to broaden the time and spatial context of this research area. Thus, this study, as a genealogical work, is intended to contribute to the creating the foundation work to allow comprehensive evaluation of history of Russian educations for allogeneousin during the Russian Empire or the publication history of textbooks for Goryeoin in Russia.

I. 서 론

II. 카잔 러시아 정교 선교회의 ‘기초 러시아어 교과서’

III. 이민족 대상 ‘기초 러시아어 교과서’의 구성 및 내용

IV. 이민족 대상 ‘기초 러시아어 교과서’ 어휘 구성의 양상 및 변화

V. 결 론

참 고 문 헌
