This study examines the symbolic powers of the two Russian media giants, Известия, who are watching Hong Kong protests, and the news reports of Вести, the leading news program of ВГТРК. The reports of Известия and Вести highlighted the negative aspects of the Hong Kong protests, especially the placement of news and article titles that exclude value neutral judgments, allowing viewers and readers to first identify the negative elements of the protests. The characteristic tone of the Известия article described the purpose of the Hong Kong protest as damaging the Hong Kong police, and misled the motive and purpose of the protest by reporting only the serious damage of the Hong Kong economy. In the Вести news report on the Hong Kong demonstrations, it was in line with the tone of Известия’s article in highlighting the negative aspects of the Hong Kong protests. On the other hand, the distinguishing feature of the article with the story of Известия is the mention of external forces moving the Hong Kong protests. The articles and news reports from Известия and Вести are in line with this consistent trend. In this sense, it was possible to reasonably infer that the position of the media was reflected, not the perspective of the journalist writing the article. Furthermore, it opened the possibility that there would be a ‘desk on the desk’ in that Вести is the representative news program of the Russian state-run broadcaster ВГТРК. The ambiguity of the provisions of Russian federal law and the series of examples of excessive regulation by the government helped to understand the position of the Russian government in protest. Furthermore, I deduced that this tendency was not only a problem of state-run broadcasters, but also looked into the civil society’s voice towards a series of Известия articles.
I. 서 론
II. 이론적 배경: 언어와 사회, 상징권력에 대한 논의
III. 연구 문제 및 연구 방법
IV. 자료 분석
V. 홍콩 사태를 바라보는 러시아 미디어의 상징권력
VI. 결 론
참 고 문 헌