최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

강상관계 소재를 이용한 수소 센서 및 수소 뉴로모픽 소자

Hydrogen Sensor and Neuromorphic Applications Using Correlated Materials

DOI : 10.31613/ceramist.2019.22.1.02
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The metal-to-insulator transition (MIT) with external stimuli is one of the main issues in correlated oxides. The physical properties are extremely sensitive to band filling, because the MIT is attributed to the strong correlation between electrons in narrow d-band. Since hydrogen is the smallest and lightest element, it is not only likely to doped reversibly in oxides, but also acts as a dopant to provide electrons. The correlated oxides showing MIT are structurally expanded after hydrogenation, and their electrical properties are drastically changed. Researches on this phenomenon have been actively carried out to date. They are of great scientific importance, and the use of this material is very diverse, including the development of next-generation hydrogen sensor, or hydrogen-based neuromorphic devices.

1. 서론

2. 본론

3. 결론

