최근 검색어 전체 삭제

The Path Choice of Police-related Public Opinion Guidance in Pandemic Prevention and Control

  • 9

In early 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic spread around the world, seriously affecting people’s health, lifestyle, economic development and other aspects. The shock wave that affected the whole world has triggered a wide wave of public opinion both at home and abroad. Under the leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the people of the whole country are fighting against the pandemic, and the police, as the law enforcers fighting in the front line of the pandemic, have attracted the attention of all circles of society. Once the epidemic involving police negative public opinion, easy to trigger a crisis of public confidence of the government, the epidemic prevention and control and social order caused instability. By sorting out the typical cases of police-related public sentiment in pandemic prevention and control, the author considers the characteristics and trends of police-related public sentiment in pandemic prevention and control, and analyzes the problems and shortcomings in public sentiment control, in order to create a positive environment for anti-pandemic public opinion, this paper puts forward some solutions to the public opinion concerning pandemic and police.


2.The Particularity of Police-related Public Opinion in Epidemic Prevention and Control

3.Bottleneck of Public Opinion Related to Police in Epidemic Prevention and Control

4.Selection of Disposal Path for Public Opinions Related to Police in Epidemic Prevention and Control

