최근 검색어 전체 삭제

Social Governance at the Primary Level in Yunnan— Case Study of Wenshan Prefecture

DOI : 10.51600/jass.2021.2.1.157
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Chinese president Xi Jinping emphasized that “It is necessary to strengthen and to innovate social governance at the primary level in order to make every social cell healthy and active”. Wenshan, as the frontier ethnic Prefecture, always focuses on the interests of people, so it makes efforts to solve the contradictions and disputes related to the development of people’s livelihood at the primary level by those practices like construction of teaching staff team, cooperation between medical institutions and nursing institutions for the aged, construction of health infrastructure to meet the medical needs of residents, involvement of the social forces in care services, transformation of dilapidated houses in urban and rural areas, and promotion of the smooth traffic projects and livelihood projects to improve the quality of people’s life, etc. As a result, the people in Wenshan can fully enjoy the dividends of social and economic development by government’s grassroots social governance.


2.Practice of Social Governance in Wenshan Prefecture


