최근 검색어 전체 삭제

An Analysis on Seychelles Sustainable Development Strategy

DOI : 10.51600/jass.2021.2.1.1
  • 7

Seychelles, being a Small Island Developing State, has played a leadership and active role in this process. It was one of the initial signatories to the three Rio global environmental conventions and has been instrumental in driving sustainable development at the national and international level. Seychelles embarked on its first environment management plan in 1989, with the support of UNDP, UNEP and the World Bank. The Environment Management Plan of Seychelles (EMPS) 1990-2000, raised pledges of over 40 million USD, and after a decade of implementation was a successful programme. Vision 2033 provides the high-level direction for the future of the Seychellois people. The theme adopted for Vision 2033 is ‘Towards a sustainable and inclusive future’ and this will be rolled out through the implementation of a series of three five-year National Development Strategies (NDS), beginning with the first NDS for 2019-2023.

1. Geography of Seychelles

2. The Achievement made by Seychelles

3. Seychelles Context and Historical Development

4.National Development of Seychelles: Characterization, Dynamics and Main Challenges

5.Seychelles Sustainable Development Strategy

