Homogenization of quality was important in order to use herbal medicines as pharmaceuticals. To solve this problem, it was important to establish quality standards. Atractylodis Rhizoma Alba has no quantitative method in the Korean Pharmacopoeia. Thus, we have researched to improve the quality evaluation method of Atractylodis Rhizoma Alba with an HPLC. Atractylenolide Ⅲ and atracylodin were selected as potential marker compounds. This analytical procedure was subject to validation. According to validation guideline of South Korea’s Ministry of Food and Drugs Safety, the specificity, linearity, precision, range, quantitative limits, detection limits and accuracy were measured. Because the specificity, linearity, precision, range, quantitative limits, detection limits and accuracy meet criteria of the guideline, the analytic method was validated. With this analysis, Atractylodis Rhizoma Alba and Atractylodis Rhizoma analyzed. As a result, both atractylenolide Ⅲ and atracylodin appear to be suitable standard compounds. it confirmed that tractylodes Rhizome, similar to Atractylodes Rhizome Alba, could be distinguished.
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