최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

키르기스 문학에 나타난 근대적 여성상 모색

  • 26

The increasing pace of globalization has significantly affected our lives in many profound ways. One of the consequences of globalization is the rise of intermarriage, i.e., the marriage between couples of different nationalities or different social, economic, religious, or racial backgrounds. Globalisation and multiculturalism break down cultural boundaries and barriers, and the diversity has also been prominent in literature. Amid this global trend, world-reowned literary works are also introduced in Korea. Worldwide, various literary works chose their topics or subjects from their own culture. These literary works reflect various values, traditions, and hardship through the formation of a nation and changing times. The most popular Kirghiz writer in Korea is Chinghiz Aitmatov, a novelist who introduced Kirghiz literature to the world. Aitmatov became famous during the era of the Soviet Union and the Soviet regime recognized his outstanding literary talent, which made his work a global asset. After the collapse of the Soviet regime and Kyrgyzstan’s independence, he became one of the most beloved writers, not only in his country, but also in other Turkic Nations. In particular, he has established himself as a belonged to. In Chinghiz Aitmatov’s works, the life and history of the Kirghiz people are intertwined, and they have the elements such as human and nature, community and history, individual and community, individual and war, war and community, love and nature. One of Aitmatov’s significant works is the novel Jamila and this work reflects author’s literary point of view and his will. The novel is about a married woman, Jamila, who had an affair and left the village with her partner. In the novel, Jamila represents a woman who escaped from the customs in those days when women were the object of possession and domination. Jamila is well worth mentioning as a symbol of a modern woman who sought freedom and liberation in that she was a subjective person who resisted the custom of kidnapping and obtained the love she wanted. This story is a reflection of using love to defy the existing customs and societal expectations as Jamila is a woman who rejects her husband who does not love her, seeks happiness through another person who she wants, and a woman who takes charge of her own life, defying the societal and custom pressure of the time. Based on the novel, Jamila is a woman who writes her history, resists old customs, practices what she truly believes without looking back, and places the greatest value on the spiritual rather than the material.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 칭기즈 아이트마토프의 작품 세계와 소설 『자밀라』

Ⅲ. 소설『자밀라』에 나타난 근대적 여성상

Ⅳ. 결론
