최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

아랍어 명사구 이동에 대한 연구

A Study on NP-Movement in Arabic

  • 19

The focal point of this paper is to make a minimalist study on NP-movement in Arabic constructions such as passive construction, raising construction, and topicalized construction. In addition, this study is going to explain the characteristics of each NP-movement, and the cause of the movement by the check theory as well as establishing X-bar schema by virtue of VP-internal subject hypothesis. It will be argued that the NP-movement in the passive construction must be moved to the SPEC1 position in order to be checked for the nominative case from Tense of Inflection. In the case of the NP- movement in the raising construction which contains raising verb and modal verb, it will be proved that the upward NP-movement from SPEC1 to SPEC2 within the IP domain is not accepted, but NP-movement is generated through the left dislocation to SPEC3 position in the CP domain. Finally, in the topicalized construction, the NP-movement takes the shape of the upward movement from SPEC1 to SPEC2. It will be analyzed that the NP is shifted by the focus rule, which is considered as the semantic rule, not the syntactic rules. At this time, the subject NP is checked for incomplete nominative case, which shows that Arabic T-quality is weak as opposed to English strong T-quality. Recently, the transformational-generative theory has evolved from the minimalist theory to the optimistic theory in order to ultimately build up the universal grammar that satisfies the universal qualities of individual languages to the fullest, while satisfying the external basis of individual language phenomena. In other words, the goal of the universal grammar is to maximize the explanatory adequacy in principles while maintaining the objective adequacy for individual languages. Therefore, the theory of Arabic grammar should satisfy the maximization of the explanatory adequacy in the framework of the universal grammar.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 최소주의 이론

Ⅲ. 아랍어 명사구 이동(논항이동)

Ⅳ. 결론
