최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

중앙아시아 이슬람 세계의 천문학

Astronomy in the Islamic Central Asia: with reference to Uzbekistan

  • 71

This study explores the relationship between Islam and astronomy and the achievements of astronomy in the Islamic world in Central Asia in the 9-15th centuries. First, the well-known scholars in science and astronomy during 9-10th centuries are introduced, then the Timur Empire’s Islamic astronomy(15th) and modern astronomy of the independent Uzbekistan are explored respectively in order to understand how the Uzbekistan government tried to restore national and ethnic identity. Islamic astronomy was able to make a remarkable development as many religious practices in Islam (eg, worship toward Mecca, knowing the beginning and end of Ramadan by lunar calendar) were deeply linked to the astronomical thinking of understanding the movement of celestial bodies. From 9th up to 15th some scientific academies and various scientific fields including astronomy have been established in Islamic Central Asian and this academic traditions have contributed to great achievements such as a huge astronomical observatory called the Ulug‘bek Observatory and the Zij of Ulug bek during the reign of King Ulug‘bek, of Timur Empire of 15th century. After Uzbekistan s independence from the Soviet Union, the Islamic Timur Empire provided historical legitimacy for the rule of the new were used as a key propaganda for restoring national and ethnic identity and enhancing self-esteem. Today, the Ulug‘bek Astronomy Institute (UBAI) and the Maidanak Observatory are the central axes of astronomy in Uzbekistan, a representative symbol and core medium that connects the past and present of Islamic science in Central Asia. The UBAI, which has scientific assets accumulated in the long history of astronomy, and the Maidanak Observatory, which has the best observation conditions in the world, show the future of the astronomy in Uzbekistan.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 중앙아시아 이슬람 세계의 천문학

Ⅲ. 신생독립국의 정체성 복원과 우즈베키스탄 천문학

Ⅳ. 결론: 중앙아시아 이슬람 천문학 유산의 계승과 발전
