최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

장애에 대한 이슬람의 이해 연구

A study on Islam’s Understanding of Disability

  • 22

There are influences of religion directly or indirectly on people with disabilities in history. The purpose of this study is to find verses of Qur an, and Hadith that record disability and people with disability. In addition, The researcher would like to examine Islam s position on the topic of Is Disability the Result of Sin? and Is Abortion Possible for the Disabled? . For this purpose, the researcher actively used the scriptures of Islam. By examining the Qur an, Islamic scriptures and the Hadith which recorded the words of the Prophet Muhammad, The researcher was able to derive Islam’s stance on these two themes. Islam emphasizes that disability is normal because Allah made everyone diverse when he created the world. However, the Qur an shows that disability was used as a curse on unbelievers. Islam is a religion that has developed religious laws, and has found a number of legal views on abortion in children with disabilities. In summary, they adhere to the ban on abortion, but there are legal schools that allow abortion depending on the duration of pregnancy and the severity of the disability. As such, this study is meaningful in Islamic understandings of disability.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 코란과 하디스에 나타난 장애와 종류

Ⅲ. 장애에 대한 이슬람의 시각

Ⅳ. 결론
