PMF, an coalition of Iraq s major militias was formed under the Iraq s security system with legitimacy to protect the country and the lives of the people on behalf of Iraqi Security forces that already had been collapsed when ISIS occupied Mosul in 2014. Major militias which participated with PMF are mainly Shi ite Islamist groups such as Kata ib Hezbollah, Asa ib Ahl al Haq, Badr organization as the most powerful Iranian linked militias, and al Sistani group, so called Shrine Mobilization. In this context, US regarded PMF as Iran s proxies which would harmed to US and regional security. Iraq seldom stabilized since the 2003 Iraq War, and this vulnerability provided an environment in which external forces could easily intervene in it. Therefore, it has been referred Iraq has aspect to be battlefield of proxy warfare. Nevertheless, this paper points out that it should be cautious because there is a limit to explaining Iraq in the framework of a proxy warfare based on the followings. 1. The possibility that the threaten of Iraqi militia was exaggerated, 2. Overlooking that Iraq as a sovereign state pursues a power balance through an alliance with the United States and Iran, 3. and also the possibility of Iraqi militias follow their own interests rather than acting as Iranian proxies.
Ⅰ. 연구배경 및 방법과 선행연구
Ⅱ. 이라크 민병대의 파벌과 세력화의 패착 분석
Ⅲ. 대리전의 의미와 이라크 대리전 양상
Ⅳ. 이라크 민병대와 대리전 서사의 한계