최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Semantic Compatibility Condition in American English: A Big Data-based Trend Analysis of Ethnic Slurs

DOI : 10.15860/sigg.31.1.202102.01
  • 19

The goal of this paper is to propose a Compatibility Condition for multiple expressive elements in American English. In exploring the collocation patterns of ethnic slurs, negative nigger vs. positive nigga, with other expressives, I suggest the systematicity in interaction between various expressive items. A big data-based trend analysis answers the following questions: First, how are the multiple occurrences of expressives with varying attitudes constrained? To capture the dynamic paradigm of co-occuring expressives, I re-evaluate the validity of the Compatibility Condition (CC) with big data in American English. Second, why are there exceptional cases that do not conform to the CC? I discuss how such intentional flout is employed to trigger special pragmatic effects. Theoretical implications include: (i) establishing the positive emotive stance of nigga, contrary to general conception of negativity in slurs; (ii) proposing the CC in American English; and (iii) supporting the notion of multidimensionality.

1. Introduction

2. The Expressive Dimension of Slurs

3. Big Data-based Trend Analysis: Compatibility Condition

4. Conclusion

