최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

ATM 스위치를 위한 대기행렬의 셀 스케쥴링 방식 제안 및 성능평가

Performance Evaluation and Proposal of Cell Scheduling Method of Queue for the ATM Switch

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A cell scheduling method of Queue for the ATM switch is proposed and simulated. In this paper, we present the cell scheduling method proper to the proposed queue and the improved queue with Queue Sharing(QS) structure for CBR, VBR, ABR traffic. The proposed QS structure minimizes the CLR(Cell Loss Ratio) of ABR traffic and decreases the CLR of bursty VBR traffic. Also we propose a cell scheduling method using VRR(Variable Round Robin) scheme proper to the high-speed (ATM) switch. The VRR scheme provides a fairness in terms of service chance for the queues in the ATM switch as well as QOS of their cell delay characteristic of CBR and VBR traffic, QOS of ABR CLR. The simulation results show the proposed method achieves excellent CLR and average cell delay performance for the various ATM traffic services in the Queue Sharing structure.

1. 서론

2. 대기행렬 구조제안

3. 대기행렬공유(QS) 구조를 위한 셀 스케쥴링 방식

4. 시뮬레이션

5. 결론

