The study of the optimization of operating policy of AGV system, which is used in many factory automation environments, has been proceeded by many researchers. The major operating policy of AGV system consists of routing and scheduling policy. AGV routing is composed with collision avoidance and minimal cost path find algorithm. To allocate jobs to the AGV system, AGV scheduling has to include AGV selection rules, parking rules, and recharging rules. Also m these rules, the key time parameters such as processing time of the device, loading/unloading time and charging time should be considered. In this research, we compare and analyze several operating policies of multiple loop - multiple AGV system by making a computer model and simulating it to present an appropriate operating policy.
1. 서론
2. 시뮬레이션 모델 구성
3. 모델의 기능적 구조 및 실험
4. 동적 우선 순위 라우팅
5. 결론