최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

시뮬레이션의 계층적 애니메이션

Hierarchical Animation for Simulation

There are many issues in computer simulation such as verifying model code, validating models, understanding the dynamics of systems and training the personnel. The developers of simulation tool have been interested in the animation since it can help solve the problems related to the above listed issues. In practice, animation is one of the popular method for displaying the simulation output for solving these problems. Trying to display all the graphic objects representing the dynamics of the models being simulated, however, causes the distraction of focus, which results in solving the above listed problems difficult. The redundant graphic objects also increase the computer computation overhead. This paper presents a hierarchical animation environment in which the users can have better focus on the dynamics of system components. In hierarchical animation environment the users can observe the dynamics of system by selectively choosing the hierarchical level and components with in a level of the hierarchically structured model. Especially when the model is large and complex the selection of observation level is needed. The design approach of the hierarchical animator is based on the DEVS(Discrete EVent system Specification) formalism which is theoretically well grounded means of expressing modular and hierarchical models.

1. 서론

2. 배경이론 및 관련 연구

3. 계층적 애니메이션 환경 설계

4. 계층적 애니메이터 설계

5. 구현 및 검증

6. 결론

