최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

제약조건이 있는 시뮬레이션을 위한 계층적 모델링 방법론

Hierarchical Modeling Methodology for Contraint Simulations

We have many simulation constr nts to meet as a modeled system becomes large and complex. Real-time simulations are the examples in that they are constrairned by certain non-function constr nts (e.g., timing constraints). In this paper, an enhanced hierarchical modeling methodology is proposed to efficiently deal with constraint simulations. The proposed modeling method enhances hierarchical modeling methods to provide multi-resolution model. A simulation model is composed by determining the optimal level of abstraction that is guaranteed to meet the given simulation consσaints. Four modeling activities are defined in the proposed method: 1) Perform the logical architectural design activity to produce a multi resolution model, 2) Organize abstraction information of the multi-resolution model with AT (Abstraction Tree) structure, 3) Formulate the given constraints based on IP (Integer Programming) approach and embrace the constraints to AT, and 4) Compose a model based on the determined level of abstraction with which the multi-resolution model can sa sfy all given simulation constraints. By systematically handling simulation constraints while minimizing the modeler’s interventions, we provide an efficient modeling environment for constraint-simulations.

1. 서론

2. 모델링 방법론

3. 제약조건이 있는 시뮬레이션을 위한 모델링 방법론

4. 실험

5. 결론

