최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

파라메트릭 기법을 사용한 로봇링크 설계변경의 일괄처리 적용연구

A study on Batch-processing in Performing Design-changes of Robot-links using Parametric Method

We developed the module of the software that robot designers can perform their work faster and more easily. The parametric modeler is founded on the virtual robot design program. The virtual robot design program is the powerful software which may be used to solve various problems of robot kinematics and dynamics. The parametric modeler in the software we developed is that all the positions of joints and links are changed automatically when the designer changes one joint or one link in the robot system.Without parametric method, robot-designers must change all the positions of connected joints and links. It might become time-consuming. However, it is very efficient for designers to use the method of batch-processing in performing design-changes of robot-links using the parametric modeler.

1. 서론

2. Parametric Method 알고리즘

3. 설계 적용

4. 결론

