최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

The Success Factors of IT Outsourcing in Korean Government Organizations

  • 7

In the last two decades it has generally been accepted that a smaller government with fewer officials would be more efficient. To this end, IT outsourcing has been a particularly popular method for public organizations, due to its promises of cost savings and skilled IT experts. However, the results of my study are quite different from those of previous research done on government IT outsourcing, which have mostly focused on the client’s side. I argue that the success of IT outsourcing in the public sector can be influenced by both the client s and the vendor s risks and responsibilities. The aim of this study is to determine the factors which vendors consider essential for the success of IT outsourcing in governments, using Korea as a case study. According to the vendors, partnership is more important than governance, contract, and service quality―a finding that sharply contrasts with previous research that argue that clients place more importance on the efficiency of contracts. Among the various factors within the partnership category, benefits and risk sharing is seen as the most important factor, rather than trust and conflict. This study is significant in that it surveys the vendors’ opinions on outsourcing, and uses the AHP method for the first time to examine the Korean government’s case of IT outsourcing.

I. Introduction

II. Literature Review on IT Outsourcing

III. Research Methodology

IV. Outcome and Discussion

V. Conclusions and Future Study

