최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

차별・혐오 담화에 대한 사회인지적 고찰

Sociocognitive Review on Discourse of Discrimination and Hatred: Focusing on the Perception of Large Dogs Affected by the Publication of the Dog Safety Countermeasure

DOI : 10.14353/sjk.2021.29.1.05
  • 612

The purpose of this study is to reveal through discourse analysis the processes and patterns in which discrimination and hate in Korean society is produced. The social aspect of discrimination and hatred is practiced and reproduced through discourse. Discourses related to dogs were selected for this inquiry, because discrimination and hatred against dogs, especially large dogs today, are confirmed through various discourse(language sources) of the media. For this critical discourse study, van Dijk s approach, emphasizing the cognitive component when exploring the relationship between discourse and society, was applied. As a result of the analysis, it was identified that the polarized distinction between ‘we’ group and ‘they’ groups according to categorization, discrimination based on prejudice and stereotypes, and hatred due to contemptuous attitudes were sequentially developed. And it was found that the division and discrimination were represented and reproduced through the discourse at the macro-level of society, and the hate was represented through the discourse at the micro-level.

1. 머리말

2. 연구 방법론과 분석 대상

3. 대형견 차별 담화 생산: 정치에서의 제도적 차원의 발의

4. 대형견 혐오 담화로의 전개: 미디어에서의 담론9) 형성

5. 대형견에 대한 인식과 담화의 생산, 그리고 차별과 혐오

6. 맺는 말
