최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

The Trump Administration’s NEGOTIATION STRATEGY Towards the North Korean Nuclear Crisis: South Korea’s Response

DOI : 10.22471/crisis.2021.6.1.10
  • 37

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to review denuclearization talks between the US and DPRK and map out policy alternatives for South Korea by analyzing Trump’s strategy toward the DPRK. The denuclearization of North Korea remains an important issue for the security of Northeast Asia and has been the subject of a variety of negotiation strategies. Despite the failure of previous negotiations to achieve the objective of denucleariza-tion, they still hold important lessons for ongoing efforts. Method: This paper analyzes the negotiations between North Korea and the United States(US) through the lens of Fisher and Ury s model of principled negotiations. It offers the possibility for dealing with some of the most intractable and potentially destructive conflicts, such as that surrounding a nuclear deal with the DPRK. In particular, Fisher and Ury’s negotiation model can be a suitable analysis framework for denuclearization talks between the US and DPRK because it raises the prospect of a win-win situation for all the entities. Results: First, for the rational solution of the negotiation, the South Korean government has to differentiate issues from actors. Second, we need to focus on benefits or interests rather than positions. The positions taken in the negotiations must reflect the central interest or purpose, that of denuclearization, rather than political interests, which may be just a modified populism. Third, we need to focus on the benefits of a denuclearization settlement between the US and North Korea. If the denuclearization negotiations between the US and North Korea are concluded and the DPRK agrees to complete denuclearization, economic cooperation between the two Koreas will be accelerated and it will be a win-win situation for both parties. Fourth, in the process of denu-clearization talks, South Korea has to keep consistency based on objective criteria. South Korean government has to obtain the consent of all actors by mapping out a roadmap for the denuclearization of the Korean Penin-sula. Conclusion: As the negotiation process for the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula may take a long time and may not be smooth due to conflicting interest(or at least, in Fisher and Ury’s terminology, positions), it is important that as a first step, the three parties can agree on a definition of denuclearization and its con-stituent elements. As part of this process, South Korea should be able to present a credible denuclearization roadmap that can construct a consensus between North Korea and the US.

1. Introduction

2. Analysis of US Negotiation Strategy

3. A Responsible Role for South Korea

4. Policy Recommendations

5. Conclusion

6. References

7. Appendix
