최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

A Survey on Relatedness between Creation of Urban Parks and Services of Public Servants from Green Space Department(PSGSD)

DOI : 10.22471/disaster.2021.6.1.01
  • 10

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to conduct a survey on the service performance rate of creation of ur-ban parks so that the problems in local governments arising out of that service by the public servants from oth-er department than the ones from green space department will be solved. Method: In this study, we conducted a survey on local government in the nation over the performance rate of the public servants from green space department(the “PSGSD”) for the stages of urban park duties: making decisions on creation of urban park; establishment of park creation plan; carrying out construction of park; and park management. Result: In the stage of making decisions of urban park creation, the work performance rate of public ser-vants from green space department in all the local government of the nation is 0% and it is analyzed that no PSGSD has performed the duties to make those decisions. In analyzing average work performance rate of PSGSD for the duties of park creation plan, construction of park creation, and park management out of the du-ties of urban park creation by local governments, while the average work performance rate of public servants from green space department in Seoul, Jeju Province and other 5 metropolitan cities except for Sejong Special Self-governing city and Gwangju metropolitan city is 100%, the one in Gyeongsangbuk province is 27.8%, the lowest one. Conclusion: Through this study, we can identify the work system of PSGSD the work performance rate of the duties of urban park creation by local governments in the nation. In addition, in this study, we suggest policy plan making the public servants other than PSGSD to carry out the duties of urban park creation so that this study may be utilized as a material of ground for enhancing PSGSD’s work performance rate for the duties of urban park creation.

1. Introduction

2. Research Method

3. Result

4. Discusssion

5. Conclusion

6. References

7. Appendix
