최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

A Study on the Improvement System of National COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE Activities

DOI : 10.22471/military.2021.6.1.45
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Purpose: Counter-intelligence means any act in response to hostile foreign intelligence activities. Since the activities of intelligence agencies inherently recognize security as the greatest virtue, it was not easy to ap-proach it in the academic field. However, the global information environment is changing rapidly. In the tradi-tional concept of espionage, espionage was carried out mainly in the political and military areas, but in com-prehensive security situations, information collection on various forms can take place, requiring a flexible strat-egy. Method: However, despite the fact that anti-spy operations can directly be involved in infringement of the basic rights of the people, the fact that minimal ground rules exist is a problem that requires improvement in terms of the rule of law of information activities. Furthermore, the problem of this study is that even assuming the objective consideration that anti-spy work is necessary to guarantee basic rights of the people, and that it is not appropriate to impose public and judicial control such as investigation procedures, it is unfortunately not. In response, this study proposed improvements to prevent concerns about infringement of the basic rights of the people by guaranteeing practical anti-spy work in a changing environment. Result: The first is the expansion of the concept and scope of the anti-spy. In other words, if the Framework Act on Anti-Spy is enacted, the concept of anti-spy should be set as an active and active anti-spy concept, not a passive or passive anti-spy concept, to diversify anti-spy operations and respond to both traditional and non-traditional threats. In addition, the government proposed the expansion of spy agencies to cope with the diver-sification of security threats due to changes in the information environment. Second, he pointed out existing problems and made some forward-looking suggestions regarding the smooth performance of anti-spy operations. The most important confirmation here is the stipulation of the means of collection and verification of anti-spy information. The method of collecting anti-spy intelligence can be distin-guished in legal and realistic ways, and the factual methods such as collecting human information, technical information, and public source information are problematic. Conclusion: In particular, legal grounds and reliability, such as undercovering the identity or operating an in-formant, are problematic in the intelligence officer s performance of specific espionage tasks. In order to dispel this, it was confirmed that there is a need for evidence that the staff of the spy agency can impersonate their identity in specific tasks, and a legal basis that the spy agency can operate a cooperative.

1. Intro

2. Status of Anti-Spy Operations Under the Current Legislation

3. Problems of Counter-Intelligence Activities

4. Improvement of Counter-Intelligence Operations for Efficiency and Legality

5. Outro

6. Reference

7. Appendix
