최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

A Study on the Performance Analysis of MILITARY Culture Innovation

DOI : 10.22471/military.2021.6.1.27
  • 10

Purpose: This study was conducted to evaluate and analyze whether the military culture innovation;which has been being promoted since 2014;is doing well through a survey of Army soldiers on A Survey on the Feel-ings of Military Culture Innovation. In particular;a qualitative performance analysis of military culture innova-tion was conducted through a survey on the awareness and satisfaction of soldiers who are experiencing mili-tary culture innovation in personally. Method: In this work;we selected suitable questions for the study through factor analysis of the SPSS pro-gram and conducted the study in two main ways on selected questions. The first is to conduct an analysis of the performance of military culture innovation through the average of the selected detailed questions for each part on the five implementations of military culture innovation. Second;we divided the officers and soldiers among the survey respondents to see if the results of their survey on the level of military culture innovation showed a difference;and analyzed whether the difference was significant through the SPSS program s independent sam-ple T test. Results: The results of the analysis conducted using selected questions through factor analysis are as follows: First;as a result of the analysis of the feeling of military culture innovation;we produced positive results that we are somewhat satisfied with all five implementations. Second;there was a significant difference between the officer group and the soldier group in terms of the sense of military culture innovation. Conclusion: This study was conducted using the most survey results among the performance analysis of mili-tary culture innovation that has ever been done;so the reliability is very high. In addition;it is of great value in that it analyzed quality performance based on the feelings and thoughts of soldiers who are experiencing mili-tary culture innovation directly;not performance analysis relying on quantitative results. Through this;we hope that it will help to accurately diagnose the current military culture innovation and find constructive improve-ments in the future.

1. Introduction

2. Theoretical Background

3. Research Method

4. Research Results

5. Conclusion

6. References

7. Appendix
