Competition for TECHNOLOGY HEGEMONY between the U.S. and China from a Geopolitical Point of View
- International Journal of Military Affairs
- vol.6 no.1
- : KCI등재후보
- 2021.03
- 20 - 26 (7 pages)
Purpose: The hegemony competition between the United States and China is one of the most crucial topics of world politics in the 21st century. As China s innovation in science;technology;and high-tech industries grow rapidly;the United States is enacting restrictions to regulate this critical situation. This paper searched for the motives for their political actions;the primary differences between the U.S.-China competition for technological hegemony;and their national policies. Method: This paper examined the differences in U.S.-China national policies through geopolitics. The useful-ness of geopolitics;the characteristics of continental and maritime countries;and the Huawei incident which clearly indicates the cross-section of the U.S.-China technological competition;these factors were analyzed to find the answer to the research question. Results: The contrast in technology competition and technology policies between the U.S. and China can be summarized as a difference in culture and perception. The difference comes from China s Confucian and family like discussion and America s individualistic;bottom-up;and democratic lifestyle. In addition;the Huawei is-sue is a conflict of economic ideology between the United States and China with regards to the relationship between business and state. Conclusion: The difference in policy between the U.S. and China can be defined as a difference in basic cul-ture and perception. Therefore if the main reason that the United States suspects Huawei comes from the aforementioned fundamental differences in national thought;this could not only be a problem that is difficult to solve;but also a starting point of a dispute that could continue to be a problem in the future.
1. Introduction
2. Geopolitics Theory and Characteristics of Continental and Maritime States
3. China s Economic Growth and the United States Policy Against China
4. Conclusion
5. References
6. Appendix