최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

Pandemic and the Threat of BIOTERRORISM

DOI : 10.22471/terrorism.2021.6.1.45
  • 35

Purpose: The devastating consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic for individuals, families, communities, countries, and the world as a whole offers vivid proof that microbes could be just as destructive and terrifying than the use of nuclear weapons. Pandemic caused by Covid-19 is realizing the dangers of bioterrorism and is aimed at emphasizing the importance of a system to prepare for it. Method: To this end, the Covid-19 response policies of various European countries are examined to identify and examine the factors needed to respond to bioterrorism. To this end, we looked at the Pandemic response systems in Italy, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom in Europe. Results: As a result, it is necessary to be prepared in advance in responding to infectious diseases and to re-spond immediately through quick decision-making. The policy also needs to be consistent and clear. In response to terrorism, it s not much different from the epidemic. First, legislation such as immigration policy, quarantine system, and counterterrorism law is needed. It is also necessary to establish protocols and systems for tracking, testing, and isolation of infectious diseases. Finally, it is necessary to educate and promote people in advance so that they can respond to terrorist situations such as bioterrorism. Preparing these policies in advance is a way to overcome emergency situations such as bioterrorism. Conclusion: As a result, preparations for infectious disease measures, quick decision-making, consistency and clarity of policies were derived, and to this end, legislative reform, bioterrorism response protocols were proposed, education and promotion of the people were proposed.

1. Introduction

2. Bioterrorism

3. National Quarantine System

4. Response System of Bioterrorism

5. Conclusion

6. References

7. Appendix
