최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

A Study on of Salafi Jihadist Groups: Focusing on BOKO HARAM

DOI : 10.22471/terrorism.2021.6.1.24
  • 6

Purpose: Islamic terrorist groups have repeatedly been created and disappeared in the Middle East, North Africa and Asia since the Muslim Brotherhood. These groups are created and extreme by a combination of fac-tors such as political turmoil, economic inequality, ethnic conflict, and religious conflict in their home countries. The problem is that the terrorist group classified as the Salafi Jihadist wants to form a community based on religious ideology, but the means of realizing it is brutal terrorism. In this paper, we explore the generative background and features of Salafi Jihadism. Method: To identify the Salafi Jihadist, we examine the origins and characteristics of Islamism, Wahhabism, and Salafism, and collect and analyze existing research papers and related institutional data on how Salafi Ji-hadist originated in Africa, especially why Boko Haram gained power in Nigeria. Results: Nigeria is a large African country with a large population and natural resources, while economic growth has not developed proportionally. The invasion of Western imperialism and colonial rule resulted in economic distortions and failure of racial integration, which resulted in civil war, military extortion of power, and the activities of powerful terrorist groups of powerful terrorists. Conclusion: The Sahel region of Africa, including Nigeria, is a repository of natural resources, but paradoxi-cally, it is becoming a blood land due to the brutal competition for natural resources. Countries in these regions need democratic rule to integrate complex races, and greedy foreign intervention should be blocked. A funda-mental prescription is needed to eliminate extremist forces advocating Salafism.

1. Introduction

2. Theoretical Background

3. The Socio-economic background of Nigeria

4. The Emergence of Boko Haram and its Evolution Into an International Terrorist Group

5. Conclusion

6. References

7. Appendix
