Exploring the Effectiveness and Utilization of Terahertz Waves for the PROTECTION of Human Body
- Protection Convergence
- Protection Convergence vol.6 no.1
- : KCI등재후보
- 2021.03
- 41 - 49 (9 pages)
Purpose: Terahertz technology can be easily applied in various fields beyond the laboratory level with the background of modern advanced technology, and the outlook is highly anticipated as a technology with high utilization. This study attempts to look at the characteristics of terahertz waves and check the applied technol-ogy currently being used.. Method: This study was conducted to explore the research trend of hyperthermia and the characteristics of terahertz waves, and to find out the counter strategies that can be used for the protection of human body. To achieve this purpose, this study analyzed 40 recent academic studies provided by Korea Education & Research Information Service(KERIS) and DBpia, as well as terahertz science and technology studies of semantic scholars, and analyzed and considered the contents judged to be consistent with this study. Results: Recently, various treatments are being implemented in parallel from the perspective of holistic therapy in Korea. In particular, for effective cancer treatment, various treatment methods are being imple-mented independently or in combination, and the thermotherapy is a trend showing synergistic effects of paral-lel therapy. In addition, the treatment and research of biological mechanism of terahertz waves confirmed the possibility that it could be presented as a complex and multifunctional new concept system for testing, diagno-sis, and treatment for chronic diseases. Conclusion: This study attempted to analyze in several ways the efficacy and utilization of hyperthermia and terahertz waves in human body. Through this study, it was confirmed that the terahertz science and technology are getting more and more attention around the world. In the future, it is expected that further research will be expanded through many experiments to use the terahertz wave generator as a treatment system, and that it will play an important role in a wide variety of applications.
1. Introduction
2. Research Methods
3. Characteristics of Thermotherapy Treatment and Major System of Thermothera-py
4. Proposal for Usefulness and Application of Terahertz Waves to the Human Body
5. Conclusion and Recommendations
6. References
7. Authors Contribution