최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

A Study on the Post-CORONA SECURITY Industry

DOI : 10.22471/Regulations.2021.6.1.55
  • 7

Purpose: Pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus are making a variety of unimaginable changes to mankind. Various changes in the industrial environment of the times are being applied and needed for various changes and new forms of measures in the private security sector, without exception. Method: In this study, we looked at the private security industry, which is responsible for the safety of socie-ty even in the Pandemic situation caused by the COVID-19 virus, and the prediction of the private security in-dustry in the Post Corona era and the need for preemptive countermeasures. Results: In the midst of this paradigm shift in the industry, the security industry needs to establish a new leg-islative system in preparation for the rapid transition of a combined form of quarantine work and security in-dustry. Conclusion: It is necessary to establish a new business area in the form of disease control and prevention se-curity service and establish a legislative system accordingly in the business contents of the Security Services Industry Act, an actual corporation related to the private security industry. In addition, the establishment of a disease control and prevention working-level training program for field guards should be implemented. Such programs shall include the management of the number of visitors, the protection of facilities, and the management of quarantiners.

1. Introduction

2. Data Analysis

3. Security Industry of Korea

4. Post-Corona Security

5. Conclusion

6. References

7. Appendix
