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KCI등재 학술저널

개정 형사사법체계에서 검찰수사관의 역할 제고방안

A Plan for Improvement of the Role of Prosecution Investigation Officers in the Revised Criminal Justice System

DOI : 10.34222/kdps.2021.13.1.123
  • 178

검찰수사관은 검찰직, 마약수사직(4~9급)으로서 검사실에서 검사의 수사업무를 보조하거나 일반사법경찰관리로서 직접 수사를 하거나 검찰사무를 행하는 검찰공무원을 말한다. 검찰수사관의 수사권에 관한 법적근거는 형사소송법 제245조의 9, 제243조, 검찰청법 제46~47조에 두고 있다. 검찰수사관의 연혁은 1949. 12. 20. 제정 검찰청법에서 ‘수사관’으로 규정해 오다가 2020. 2. 개정 형사소송법 제197조 제1항에서 삭제되고, 같은 법 제245조의 9에서 검찰수사관의 수사권에 관한 법적근거를 일률적으로 규정하게 되었다. 검찰수사관의 구체적인 직무범위는 검찰청법 제46~47조에 근거를 두고 있다. 따라서 검찰청 소속의 일반사법경찰관은 여전히 존치되고 있다. 이렇게 검찰수사관들은 새로운 형사사법체계에서도 검찰청 소속의 일반사법경찰관리로서 검사의 지휘를 받아 수사를 행하거나 참여수사관으로서 검사의 수사를 보조하며 대부분의 검찰사무를 담당한다. 개정 형사소송법에 검찰수사관의 수사권에 관한 법적근거가 마련되었지만 검찰수사관의 수사개시 · 진행권과 송치규정의 미비, 검찰수사관의 직접수사 범위의 모호, 검찰청법상 참여수사관 조항과 일반사법경찰관리의 수사권 조항의 혼재로 인하여 해석상 혼란이 있다. 새로운 형사사법체계에서 검찰수사관의 역할 제고방안으로는 수사과와 조사과 소속의 일반사법경찰관의 역할강화, 검사직무대리의 직무범위확대 및 역할강화, 참여수사관의 역할변화와 강화, 자유형 및 재산형 집행률의 향상을 위한 역할강화를 들 수 있다. 또한 검찰청법에 일반사법경찰관의 직무를 수행하는 수사관들의 수사개시 · 진행권과 송치규정을 조속히 마련하여야 한다.

Prosecution investigation officers refer to the officers in prosecution service and narcotic investigation service (Grade 4~9) who assist investigative work of prosecutors or investigate directly and perform prosecutory affairs as a general judicial police officer at the office of prosecutors. Investigation power of prosecution investigation officers is based on the Article 245-9 and 243 of the Criminal Procedure Act, and Article 46 and 47 of the Prosecutors Office Act. The history of prosecution investigation officer had been regulated as ‘investigator’ in the Prosecutors Office Act enacted on December 20, 1949, and was deleted from the Clause 1, Article 197 of the Criminal Procedure Act revised in February 2020, and legal basis on the investigation power of prosecution investigation officers started to be regulated uniformly by the Article 245-9 of the same act. Detailed scope of duties of prosecution investigation officers are based on the Article 46 and 47 of the Prosecutors Office Act. Therefore, general judicial police officers belonging to Public Prosecutors Office still remain. This way, prosecution investigation officers perform investigation under command of prosecutors as general judicial police officers belonging to the Public Prosecutors Office in the new criminal justice system or in charge of the most prosecutory affairs helping investigation of prosecutors as a participating investigator. Although legal basis on the investigation power of prosecution investigation officers was prepared in the revised Criminal Procedure Act, there is still a confusion in interpretation due to lack of regulations on the right of prosecution investigation officer to commence · proceed with investigation and send a case, ambiguity of the scope of direct investigation by prosecution investigation officers, mixture of regulations on the participating investigators and investigation power of general judicial police officer in the Prosecutors Office Act. Enhancement of the role of general judicial police officers belonging to investigation division and inquiry division, expansion of the scope of duties and enhancement of role of probational prosecutors, change and enhancement of the role of participating investigators and enhancement of role for improvement of enforcement ratio of imprisonment and pecuniary punishment are considered a plan for improvement of the role of prosecution investigation officers in the new criminal justice system. And regulations on the right of investigator performing duties as general judicial police officers to commence · proceed with investigation and send a case must be created in the Prosecutors Office Act as soon as possible.

Ⅰ. 시작하며

Ⅱ. 검찰수사관의 연혁 · 직무범위

Ⅲ. 외국의 검찰수사관 제도

Ⅳ. 개정 형사사법체계에서 검찰수사관의 법적지위와 문제점

Ⅴ. 검찰수사관 역할 제고방안과 개정안

Ⅵ. 마무리
