최근 검색어 전체 삭제

재구성 가능한 생산시스템을 위한 재구성 가능한 생산기계 최소화 모델 개발

Optimal RMT Planning for Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems

  • 39

A Reconfigurable Manufacturing System (RMS) appeared as a solution to high variation in customer demands;allows manufacturers to satisfy different amount of demands in each single period;by reconfiguring its facility;referred to as Reconfigurable Machine Tools (RMT);to match the capacity exactly when and where needed. This reconfiguration process requires adding and removing machines whose number depends on the demand of every single period. RMT reconfiguration process should be properly planned since it costs time;budget;and factory floor space. Especially;companies often only operate in limited hours a day. It will be time consuming to reconfigure RMT while stopping some parts of the production process; therefore it is very necessary to calculate the system’s performance including tardiness to satisfy customer demands. In this study;multi-objective mathematical model with scoring method is developed to support RMT planning in RMS by optimizing factory space for machine reconfiguration as well as minimizing reconfiguration cost and time and penalty of tardiness.

1. Introduction

2. Description of Machine Reconfiguration Problem

3. Assembly Line Balancing and Factory Floor in RMS

4. Problem Formulation

5. Illustrative Example

6. Conclusion
