This study is about defining Hanwoo raising structure. This study suggests a more detailed and accurate indicator for Hanwoo raising structure. We classify the current Korean Hanwoo raising structure and draw some implications from the findings. According to the formula, the ratio of farms in the total number of Hanwoo raising farms for breeding only farms is about 50 percent, that for both breeding and fatting is about 40 percent, and that for fatting only is about 10 percent. The ratios of breeding only farms and that of fatting only farms decrease slightly whereas that of breeding and fatting farms increases slightly over the last 6 years. The ratio of number of cattle for both breeding and fatting takes about 70 percent which is much bigger than the ratio of farms 40 percent. The Korean Hanwoo breeding basis depends mostly on both breeding and fatting 72 percent, which is bigger than breeding only 28 percent. We have to consider the important role of both breeding and fatting when we discuss issues regarding demand and supply of beef, and sustaining breeding basis.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 한우 사육 형태 분류 기준 설정
Ⅲ. 현 한우 사육 구조의 함축적 의미
Ⅳ. 결론