This article summarizes the changes and roles of advisory bodies within the framework of the science and technology system through comparative analysis of two countries. Presidential councils in Korea and the United States, which have long history. Although a clear difference between Korea and the United States that Korea has a designated ministry to carry out the Science and Technology policy, these two advisory bodies have similar characteristics. This study suggests that the results of comparative analysis should consider several factors with a view of the overall framework of science and technology of each country. These factors include grounds of installation and affiliation(constitution vs. executive order, independent organization vs. presidential council), function of organization (only consult vs consult and deliberate, size of council (number of members or affiliated committees), supporting organization (administrative body) (scale, number of full-time employees, duration of dispatched employees), the status of the chairperson (government official vs civilians, or co-chairman), the composition of members (including private experts vs. public officials), membership requirements (work experience, academic background, representative of each field etc.), term of office (short-term vs mid-long term), budget support method (support of ministry or presidential office etc.), range of roles that advisory bodies can play.
Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 선행연구 검토
Ⅲ. 한국과 미국의 대통령 과학기술 자문기구 비교
Ⅳ. 정책적 함의 및 결론