It can be said that Saemangeum Project, grand construction project to connect the city of Gunsan and the county of Buan in Jeollabukdo province and to create 40,100ha of land as well as a water reservoir, is the representative case of policy conflict or environmental conflict in Korea. It took approximately 15 years to complete the sea-dike construction as there have been many pros and cons presented regarding the project amongst NGO groups and the government. The Supreme Court made the final decision to continue this project. This study analyzes the argumentation structure how both parties is evolved their claim based on the warrants. The argument for and against the project may be divided into three sub-argument; economic effect, quality of water in reservoir and river, the possibility of maritime pollution. Governments were argued that the project had appropriate economic effect, would be satisfied the quality of water and lowered the possibility of maritime pollution, But NGO and religious body were argued the view diametrically opposed. In this argumentation, it was lead to social loss, but may be said to evolve the project.
Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 정책논증의 이론적 배경
Ⅲ. 새만금 사업의 논증구조 분석
Ⅳ. 결론