This research is only applied to the public administration phenomenology as there is a limit to what can be observed, thus, such phenomenology in public administration is always looking for possible advantages. In particular, the phenomenological method of knowledge acquisition in the process of German unification for changing the participants’ behaviors are also involved in the decision-making process, thus, when reflecting the phenomenological method, the directional awareness, experience and time to apply inter-subjectivity were compared. Values which appear in the unification process being applied to the phenomenological method are being studied. The following conclusions are obtained. First, applying the phenomenological perspective in public administration top down in the sense of reflecting away from bottom up to the level of need. Second, the phenomenological method is applied to the diversification of the knowledge acquisition process by understanding the phenomenology which can be applied to public administration and the possibility to expand the horizons that have gained rationale. Third, the unification of Germany can be applied in our situation, as well as to similar situations at some point in our country, when compared to what had happened in terms of the implications for obtaining the results.
Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Previous research and theoretical background
Ⅲ. Research and research model
Ⅳ. Comparison and analysis of methodological model
Ⅴ. Conclusion