최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

국가발전의 수렴과 발산

Convergence and Divergence of National Development

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This study pays attention to antithetical standpoint of convergence and divergence in order to establish the nature and attribute of national development. Especially this study begins with some arguments under which it is a desirable premise that national development should pursue a balanced development regardless of a certain time and circumstantial logics. Before a full fledged comparative analysis, first, this study reviews comprehensively on some patterns and characteristics of national development reflected in a long history. Then this study performs a comparative analysis between the earlier western modernization and the non-western retarded or catch-up modernization in terms of reality and theory. According to the results of this study, national developments show a high-degree of ambilaterality in terms of convergence and divergence. It turns out that the ambilateriality is not exceptional for both western societies of earlier modernization and non-westerns of delayed modernization. Therefore it is desirable that we pursue mixed developmental strategies focused on governance style rather than being excessive immersed in a specific meta-theory. Especially, in addition to industrial competitiveness in terms of the effort on a quantitative aspect, we should be in accordance with the importance of national happiness and dignity which represent each national quality and status in order to totally resolve the gaps over classes and regions of the state.

Ⅰ. 서 론

Ⅱ. 이론적 검토와 분석틀

Ⅲ. 근대화를 선도한 서구의 부상과 시련

Ⅵ. 지연된 근대화가 초래한 비서구의 좌절과 희망

Ⅴ. 결 론

